
Hello! Q&A January 2017

January 02 - Which known personality do you like ?

Yokoyama : Azai Nagamasa. I loved him from the moment I read his biography in a book. He broke an alliance with Oda Nobunaga and confronted him in a fight. Even though Azai Nagamasa lost, he was incredibly fair and just. Nagamasa's wife was Oda Nobunaga's sister and after her defeat in battle, Nagamasa sent her to join her brother and committed suicide. I admire him because I find that his behavior was really very honorable.

January 10 - What do you want to accomplish before you die ?

Yokoyama : I want to conquer all the Japan prefectures ! I want to do my own experience to taste all the specialties. I want to discover all the Japan assets and understand why it's such a great country !

January 17 - If you could travel through any era, where would you like to land ?

Yokoyama : I would like to go to the Sengoku period. As I love the story, I would like to see them actually fight. I don't want to fight ! Lol. The fight I most want to see is the Nagashino one ! I want to see what it might look like because I learned that they had used a weapon called an arquebus.

January 24 - What do you do when you feel a little depressed ?

Yokoyama : I lay my head on my desk and stay like that. As I find it embarrassing to show others that we are not doing well, I hide to calm down. And if I close my eyes at the same time, there is a good chance that I will fall asleep ...

January 31 - Which English word do you like ?

Yokoyama : I like the word "important". I learned this word in middle school, but I always made the mistake of changing the "m" to "n" and I had never noticed it. Once I had a exam and the teacher told me. I had to write the word on a whole page of notebook to remember it. And now I remember it well !

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