
(2019-02-10 21:40:03) I don't wanna say goodbye, Yokoyama Reina

Today we had an event~
Thanks to everyone who came.

It was very cold this morning.
In February it's always very cold...

Today I heard a lot about Valentine's Day,
And it made me realize how impatient I was!
Chocolate~ 音符

As well,
You've told me a lot about the mask I use that I talked about in my previous blog entry.
I'll tell you more about it now!

I use the PITTA MASK.
It's been very successful lately, I'm not sure how or why.
But it's of very good quality.
And there are lots of different scents~ 

✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚

Yesterday Makino Maria-chan
Used the eye shadow I offered her ヒマワリ
I was so happy!

✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚ ✽.。.:*・゚

My hair is growing~ おねがい
I like to stretch them lately.

Even though I find that my hair usually grows fast, everything happens in the mind.
If you want them absolutely long, they will take a long time to grow. Just because you're in a hurry.

✽ .。.: * ・ ゚ ✽ .。.: * ・ ゚ ✽ .。.: * ・ ゚ ✽ .。.: * ・ ゚ ✽ .。.: * ・ ゚

After all, I love the month of February.

Yokoyama Reina

#SingAlongSingaSong #yokoyamareina

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