(2018-06-05) FULL CHORUS
Broadcasted on : June 5, 2018
Broadcasted on : June 5, 2018
Featured members : Morning Musume。'18 (Fukumura Mizuki, Ikuta Erina, Iikubo Haruna, Ishida Ayumi, Sato Masaki, Oda Sakura, Ogata Haruna, Nonaka Miki, Makino Maria, Haga Akane, Kaga Kaede, Yokoyama Reina, Morito Chisaki)
MC (Becky) : Here are Morning Musume。'18! There is also Hama Okamoto-san, with whom you had collaborated. How do you feel about that?
Makino : I found Hama-san so cool from the begining to the end...
Ishida : I really applied myself to my singing skills so as not to disappoint Hama-san.
MC : Ogata-san, you will soon get your sotsugyou. How do you feel?
Ogata : It's true, now there is not much time left... I know that the girls will continue to do their best as they have always done and the 12 members lineup will be so cool.
MC : Ah... I still remember when you came here for the first time.
Ogata : It was one of my first shows, that's right!
All : It shows that we are loyal to you!
MC : Stop the lies!
All : (laughs)
Oda : Morning Musume。'18 are invited in many tekevision programs but due to our number of activities over the year, we cannot always accept invitations. However for Full Chorus, at each invitation, we respond present!
MC : That's right, so you really like this program. Isn't it ? (to Sato)
Sato : (laughs)
MC : Here look! You're lying!
Sato : No, I'm really having fun in this program. In addition I love your clothes every time, you're too pretty.
MC : Mh? Pretty one? My clothes?
Sato : (laughs)
MC : Stop making fun of me!
Oda : Please don't refer to Sato.
"A gonna" (full version)
MC : Earlier in the year, Morning Musume。'18 celebrated their 20th anniversary by releasing a best album complete with a lot of their songs. Hama-san and I choose our three favorite songs from Morning Musume。and we want to introduce them to you!
All : Yaaaaaaaay !!!
MC : 3. Resonant Blue 2. Daite! HOLD ON ME 1. The☆Peace!!
Hama-san : 3. Egao YES Nude 2. Sukatto My Heart 1. Souda! WE'RE ALIVE
All : Yaaaaaaaay !!!
MC : 3. Resonant Blue 2. Daite! HOLD ON ME 1. The☆Peace!!
Hama-san : 3. Egao YES Nude 2. Sukatto My Heart 1. Souda! WE'RE ALIVE
Nonaka Miki is happy there are parts dedicated only to the 12th generation in "Are you Happy?" as this is their last single all together. YOSHIKO, a very great choreographer who composed many Morning Musume。choreographies, explains where certain movements come from or what they refer to. Ogata Haruna communicates a final thank you message for Full Chorus, regular spectators but also staff members.
"Are you Happy?" (full version)
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